Myles Turner autographed a baby’s head Ricky Bobby style

Indiana Pacers’ player Myles Turner did a mother a strange but endearing favor by signing her baby’s head. Talladega Nights, anyone?

The sports world has its fair share of crazy (but mostly well-intentioned) fans, whether it’s a Cleveland Cavaliers supporter preemptively getting a “2015 NBA Champs” tattoo or parents who named their newborn child “ESPN.” In comparison, what a fan asked Myles Turner to do sounds pretty harmless: sign my baby’s head.

On an episode of The Buster Show podcast, the host asked Turner what it was like to sign a baby. Turner laughed nervously and said, “I felt very uncomfortable doing it but the mom was very adamant.”

Turner admitted that if it were a father asking him for the autograph, he probably would have declined. Since it was the mother of the baby, though, Turner shrugged his shoulders and said, “I mean….I guess.”

Myles Turner will do anything for fans, including signing a baby

The parental roles play some part here: if the father brought home a signed baby, the mother would likely have freaked out. On the other hand, if the mother brought home a signed baby, “there’s not really much the dad can say. Like, okay, whatever honey, do your thing.”

Or at least that’s Turner’s logic.

The act itself was quite simple: using a blue Sharpie, Turner said he “just wrote on the baby’s forehead, Ricky Bobby style…it’s probably not the craziest thing that’s happened to me.”

Indianapolis’ cult following for basketball certainly lives up to the hype, and who knows what else fans will be clamoring for next. Maybe it wasn’t as exaggerated or flamboyant as Ricky Bobby does it in the movie, but Turner can definitely add signing a baby to his list of eccentric fan requests.

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